Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Caricature for Newsletter - Doug Lucas

As we send out monthly newsletters, we include a note from the president of Team Expansion, Doug Lucas.  He shares from a big picture perspective about missions as a whole within our organization.  Since I had just reformated our entire newsletter design, I thought it only fitting that I "reformat" the image that I used for Doug's note.  See the original pic and the new stylized caricature to fit in with the rest of our newsletter design.

You can see the whole newsletter design and read it too if you want at  We hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Doug Lucas said...

Matt, you're the artist. What do I know? But, when I look at this, ... I can't help but see one of those bandits on Home Alone. What were they called again? Do I really look like that? :-)
