Monday, February 28, 2011

JUMP VBS character - Science Kids Team

(from left to right) Dr. Y, Mattie, Spike and Nick
Here's Dr. Y with his smart team of science kids.  They help Doctor Youngenstein do all kinds of research and tests.  All three love learning about God and the cool things He created!

JUMP VBS character - Doctor Y

Here's one of the characters from the new Team Expansion JUMP VBS curriculum that I have been developing.  His name is Doctor Youngenstein or Dr. Y for short. He heads up a small science team of kid helpers finding answers to perplexing questions.  He loves God and loves science.  Dr. Y believes that science supports the existence of God.  And he's old and can't see very well.

JUMP VBS character - Cosmo the Globe.

Here's the main character from the new Team Expansion JUMP VBS curriculum that I have been developing.  His name is Cosmo the Globe.  He's passionate and loves showing kids where God is working all over the world!

JUMP VBS packet

I've finally finished a ten page packet for churches interested in Team Expansion's new VBS curriculum.  I've mentioned it before, it is called JUMP and contains some new cartoon characters that I created.  My next few posts will contain images of them. 

As you check them out, remember they are for a great new VBS curriculum that gets kids excited about missions.  And best of's FREE!  Your missions offering would go toward Team Expansion, but the only other cost to you would be copies of materials to handout, decorations for story rooms, snacks, and other logistical stuff like any VBS would have. 

If you are interested in using the new Team Expansion JUMP VBS curriculum, let me know and I can get you and your church a ten page sample packet.