Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Halloween Children's Book - Update Inked & Colored

Here is the opening page of my new story, Jack the Pumpkin Head. There won't be any words on the page, and I may or may not do some final touch ups on the page in Corel Photopaint.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Halloween Children's Book - Update Pencils

Here are some pencils for the halloween themed children's book that I am working on. The title of the book is "Jack the Pumpkin Head". All of the pencil work is done, next is inking, erasing, rescanning, importing into Corel, Digital-tracing, staging, coloring, shading, finalizing each scene, exporting the final jpegs, setting the type for the book and laying out the pictures, then exporting the pdf to upload to my publisher. Whew, I was planning on finishing it in my days off and spare time over the next few weeks, seems like a lot left to do. Anyway, check out the pencils below....