"Nothing contributes to so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." - Mary Shelley
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - old Japanese proverb
"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." - Henry Ford
"The most important part of what art does is search for, capture, and offer up to view the three verities: Goodness, Beauty, and Truth."
- Stephen Lawhead; p 43; "The Classics We've Read, The Difference They've Made"
"The way I came to see it, the freedom of implicitly slogan goes something like this: Art, when conscientiously following the high quest, reveals more of God implicitly than it could any other way - even more than if it had set out to reveal God in the first place!
"There is a paradox of sorts at work here. How to explain it? Perhaps, it is like a painter who sets out to paint a portrait of God...So he begins to paint with great religious fervor and zeal.
"But he doesn't get very far before he discovers that since no one alive has even seen the face of the Almighty there are no suitable references - no photographs, no sketches, no graven images of any kind. How then does he paint a portrait of a subject who refuses to give a studio sitting? That is the question: How does one illustrate the invisible?
"It cannot be done. At least, it cannot be done explicitly. But an artist can achieve a satisfactory, even extraordinary, result with an implicit approach. That is, he does not paint God directly. Instead, the artist paints the Creator's reflected glory - paints the objects God has touched, the invisible trail, of his passing, the footprints he leaves behind."
- Stephen Lawhead; pp 44-45; "The Classics We've Read, The Difference They've Made"